
Comprehensive Training to CRUSH the AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (A/CCRF) [CRF-002] Exam

Before you purchase a standalone A/CCRF exam voucher, did you know that one comes in a Simply Cyber Academy course bundle + a textbook and a 100% pass guarantee?

Here are more details of that option and two others (in Simply Cyber Academy and Udemy):

Here’s what Jason Dion and Alyson Laderman from AKYLADE have to say about the course:

Here are some thoughts from Dr. Gerald Auger on how Simply Cyber Academy GRC training is valuable, even if your career goal is to be a pen tester:

Discounted AKYLADE Official Exam Vouchers

AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (A/CCRF) or AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Practitioner (A/CCRP) exam vouchers are available for purchase here:


  • Save money: I pass on savings to you, from bulk purchases as an AKYLADE Authorized Training Partner

  • Fast Delivery: Within 0-8 hours

  • Long Validity Period: Study at your own pace with a 10-12 month validity period