9 Awesome Books for Learning About Cybersecurity

And How You Might Be A Great Fit

Table of Contents

9 Awesome Books

Cybersecurity has the most compelling mission in business: It's a private- public partnership to fight crime, espionage and war in the fifth domain. Change my mind.

If you've heard about the cyber crisis that’s going on but aren't sure what to do about it to keep yourself, your family and your business safe online, I want to help with that in an approachable, actionable way. There are some great stories about it in the following books, many of which are listed here:

How You Might Be A Great Fit To Crossover to Cybersecurity And Why You Might Want To

After hearing the fascinating stories in their books, I'd strongly encourage people with business backgrounds consider a career transition into cybersecurity like I made. It's a fascinating, challenging and fun place to find menaingful work and relationships. If you think you need a computer science degreee to get in, that's a myth. If you have practical experience to understand the assets and business outcomes that need protection, if you have, grit, a positive attitude and continuous learning mindset, you’re a great fit. You might just not know it yet.