How do AKYLADE Certs Help Break into Cybersecurity GRC? 🥊

Q&A With Jason Dion and Alyson Laderman

Hey there,

In targeting cybersecurity Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) jobs with your Career Development Plan, how can you stand out to hiring managers from a large pool of Security+ holders? One way is with specialized certifications in sought after skill areas like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF).

That brings us to AKYLADE’s role in the GRC Certification Roadmap. I’ve told you about them before but want you to hear from them directly. “Trust but verify” as the Compliance mantra goes!

It was fun and a bit surreal to chat live with the guy whose online training has helped 2 million people with their cybersecurity careers, and this was no exception. Check out my conversation with AKYLADE CPO Jason Dion and CEO Alyson Laderman, for insights on how specialized certifications can give you an edge in the job market.

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Insight Roundup

How Specialized Certifications Can Set You Apart

Jason has a long history as a cybersecurity practitioner, serving as Information Systems Officer, Director of a Network Operations and Security Center, the global lead for cyber defense for U.S. Cyber Command, and a Director of Information Assurance Operations (DIAO) for the National Security Agency, amongst other high profile positions. He emphasized that while general certifications like Security+ are valuable, specialized certifications can set you apart.


When your application goes in through the Applicant Tracking System and they're looking for that keyword of Security+, you've got your Security+. âś… 

And they're looking for NIST CSF. Oh, look, you've got those keywords where other people don't! đź‘€ 

So by having it under the certification section [of your resume if you don’t have the experience], it can now be pulled up and it'll get in front of the hiring manager.

Jason Dion

Alyson added that AKYLADE's mission is to create practical, hands-on certifications that showcase your skills to potential employers.


We're looking to help reduce that hiring gap that currently exists for those entry level positions and giving the hiring managers a sense of really understanding that if someone has AKYLADE next to their name, they can do the job for whatever that certification is.

Alyson Laderman

Why CSF?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) is a comprehensive guide for managing cybersecurity risks. It's not just about protection; it's about resilience—detecting, responding to, and recovering from cyber incidents. Jason pointed out that while many certifications mention CSF, they often only skim the surface.


We take a deep dive into CSF, offering both foundational and practitioner-level certifications

My favourite feature of CSF is how it improves risk management communication, which is crucial in GRC roles and was highlighted in Chapter 2 of the GRC Masterclass as I described in this blog post.

You need to be able to explain complex cybersecurity concepts to executives who may not have a technical background, semi-technical middle-managers and very technical practitioners. The NIST CSF provides a common language that I’ve found to effectively bridge this gap, ensuring that everyone in the organization understands the cybersecurity goals and how they align with business objectives.

Practical Skills Matter

One of the standout features of AKYLADE's certifications is their focus on practical skills.


We don't just tell you what to do; we show you how to do it

Jason Dion

This approach makes their certifications more than just a line on your resume; they become tools you can use in your day-to-day job.

Alyson noted that their textbook, "Mastering Cyber Resilience," has become a go-to resource for professionals.


People keep it [Mastering Cyber Resilience] at their desks as a handbook and use it as a practical guide

Alyson Laderman

This kind of feedback validates their approach and shows that they're meeting a real need in the industry.

Affordability as a Core Value

Another critical aspect of AKYLADE's mission is affordability. Unlike 22-46 year old certs like Security+, CISSP and CISA which have had significant cost increases while growing into large companies, AKYLADE aims to provide leaner, practitioner-focused offerings at lower costs. They saw a problem and took action to help address it.

What’s Next From AKYLADE after CSF? Risk Management and AI Security

AKYLADE isn't stopping at CSF. They have new certifications in the pipeline focused on risk management and AI security. These will be based on frameworks like the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF).


We're looking at AI from a GRC perspective—how to manage its risks and governance

Jason Dion

Bottom-Line: You need to study CSF, RIGHT NOW!!

Breaking into cybersecurity GRC demands more than just general knowledge; it requires specialized skills that can set you apart from the crowd. Certifications like those offered by AKYLADE can provide that edge. They focus on practical skills, are affordable, and are designed to meet the needs of hiring managers.

Looking back, I wish I had learned about CSF earlier.

If you're serious about a career in GRC, consider adding specialized certifications like CSF to your toolkit. They won't just help you get a job; they'll help you excel in it.