Bouncing Back from Interview Rejection

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An anonymous cybersecurity Redditor says "I just did my first interview in IT and it feels so bad to get rejected. how in the world can I feel better?"

That's a great question that I’ve had to grapple with myself in the past and so have many others. You’re not alone. Here are three sources of inspiration that I found helpful that you might too

When things are going bad, there's going to be some good to come from it. You’ll learn and improve. Another opportunity will open up. "So get up, dust off, reload, re-calibrate, re-engage and go out on the attack”.

2. Rocky Balboa

"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. You’ve got to be willing to take the hits. That’s how winning's done."

 3. Your Cyber Path: Wes’ Job Hunt

Its an inspiring story about being in a stressful time of waiting and transition. You've got to process the grief, get your heart right, and ramp up the anticipation and enthusiasm about your next big thing.