Why Careers in Cybersecurity GRC are Underrated: Rant Part 2

Table of Contents


In part 1 I set the stage for why GRC is underrated, and why we should "throw it a Lil Love" like Gerald Auger says in a video that I drew inspiration from here:  

Today I'm unpacking my top 7 list of why GRC is awesome, from my vantage point. And Iā€™m doing this to help connect great people with great jobs, to fill the GRC portion of a 3.5 million seat cybersecurity skills shortage. Closing that gap helps protect our economy and national security.

Why is GRC awesome? Seven reasons:

1. Revenue Enabling

Our security assurance work has us directly supporting Sales reps in the field, and occasionally interfacing directly with customers. That's where you want to be to understand customer needs, how your company can meet them, and how to make a business impact.

2. Breadth

We get to work with the top experts across all departments: the control owners. That includes the Security Operations Centre, Architecture, Engineering, Product Security, IT, FInance, HR, Legal, Privacy, and many more

3. Top Management Exposure

GRC gives you exposure to them which can be a good opportunity.

4. Immersion

When you're exposed to all the departments, you get to learn through immersion and practical application.

5. Business is Booming

As demand continues to ramp for customer trust and assurance due to digital transformation, the cost of cybercrime and the proliferation of flawed and complicated technology that we depend on.

6. Feeder Role

GRC is a feeder role to get your foot in the door of cybersecurity. Check out various paths at:

7. Blue Ocean

Here's Harvard with red ocean, blue ocean strategy:

If you can find a way to add value in an uncontested market space, you can make an outsized impact to elevate your career.