Protect Yourself From Yourself with a Password Keeper Lock Box [PR.IP-4]

It's great that you're using a password keeper but what if you lock yourself out of it? Or lose the endpoints it is installed on, or your vault gets into the wrong hands? Don't have password security regrets! Establish redundancy and make a digital "lock box" with a CSV password vault export to an encrypted thumb drive. Also apply tips from World Backup Day.

Redundancy and backups for your password keeper helps with NIST Cybersecurity Control Framework outcome PR.IP-4: "Backups of information are conducted, maintained, and tested".

It's also aligned to Center for Internet Security (CIS) control 11.1 Data Recovery: "Establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state."

While adopting password managers is one of the top 4 most important things to do to secure yourself and your family online, protect yourself from locking yourself out of it by learning how to make a password keeper lock box.